Document Library
This section contains all of our association’s documents. Please click on the links below to view
Architectual Review Committee
In order to maintain the aesthetic view of the community, we require that all residents who would like to build an outbuilding or make any other type of allowable structure on their property follow the steps in your web portal to submit it to the ARC for review and approval.
The following are specific changes to covenants and by-laws which were voted upon and passed at the meeting on February 21, 2012.
2B. All dwellings and residences constructed and located on the property subject to these Protective Covenants shall be for owner occupancy, except as specifically permitted herein. Further, except as specifically permitted herein, the lease or rental of a dwelling or residence for any purposes, whether verbal or in writing, is expressly prohibited under these protective covenants and shall constitute a violation of the terms and provisions of these protective covenants. The only circumstance of situation in which a lease or rental shall be permitted, is when the dwelling or residence is of new construction and in which either: a) a period of at least one (1) year has elapsed from and after the building permit for that particular dwelling has been issued; or; b) a period of at least six (6) months has elapsed from and after the final inspection by the appropriate public building inspector has occurred, and the certificate of occupancy has been issued, whichever period of time is longer.
The above rental provisions are the original builder/owner that obtained the original building permit. With any other owner the wait period is double the above noted wait periods, therefore being two (2) years after the building permit has been issued and/or one (1) year after the final inspection and certificate of occupancy has been issued (by the county inspector) whichever period of time is longer.
Any permitted lease or rental agreement shall be for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year, and a fully executed, complete and legible copy of any such lease or rental agreement shall be provided to the property owner’s association. No dwellings or residences shall be sold, assigned, rented or leased under any time sharing, time interval or right to use programs or investments. In the event leasing or rental is permitted, and in recognition of maintenance requirements of dwellings and residences subject to these protective covenants, for any dwelling or residence is subject to a lease or rental, HOA dues and/or assessments shall be in an amount equal to double or twice the amount charged or assessed to owner-occupied property.
Article IV. Section 5. Quorum.
For any annual or special meeting, a quorum shall consists of a majority of the number of votes of the membership entitled to be cast at such meeting, whether a Member is present in person or represented by proxy. If a quorum is not present, the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, select a percentage of Members that will constitute a quorum and re-notice the meeting in question. The time and place to which the meeting is adjourned shall be announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken.
Article V. Section 4. Number and Tenure After Transfer of Control.
When Class “A” members are entitled to elect each and every Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 above, the Board of Directors shall be composed of any odd number of Directors that the Members may decide. The number of Directors, however, shall never be less than five (5). Unless otherwise provided in the Articles, the number of Directors of the Association shall be determined by the resolution of the Board of Directors. No decrease in the number of Directors shall ever have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Director. Directors will be elected for a three (3) year term. Each Director shall hold office until the annual meeting of Members occurring at approximately the time of the conclusion of his term or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified.