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Violations Procedure


1. A detailed description of the violation shall be maintained by the Management Company setting forth the name and address of the alleged violator, date of alleged violation and a detailed account of the alleged violation.


2. The Management Company will mail or hand-deliver a letter to the owner at the property address setting forth the alleged violation as a Final warning notice. The letter shall allow the homeowner 7 calendar days to rectify the alleged violation.


3. If the alleged violation is not rectified by the Homeowner within that 7 day time period, a 1st Violation Letter noticing a $25.00 Specific Assessment will be sent via certified mail along with a Request for Hearing form. The Homeowner will then have 15 calendar days from the date of mailing to rectify the violation or deliver written request for a hearing of this assessment. A request for hearing shall not suspend the imposition of further specific assessments.


4. If the alleged violation is not rectified by the Homeowner within that 15 day time period, a 2nd Violation Letter noticing a $50.00 Specific Assessment will be sent via certified mail along with a Request for Hearing form. The Homeowner will then have 15 calendar days from the date of mailing to rectify the violation or deliver written request for a hearing of this assessment. A request for hearing shall not suspend the imposition of further specific assessments.


5. If the alleged violation is not rectified by the Homeowner within the 15 day time period, a 3rd Violation Letter noticing a $100 per day continuing specific assessment for each calendar day thereafter that the violation is not rectified. Once rectified, the Homeowner will have 15 days from the date of the correction to deliver written request for a hearing of this assessment. A request for hearing shall not suspend the imposition of further specific assessments if the violation reoccurs. 


6. All specific assessments shall be independent and cumulative. The alleged violator will have the right to due process and be able to pursue his/her appeal to the Board only within the allowed time period. If the alleged violator does not pursue his/her appeal, the Specific Assessment in question shall be final and not subject to any further review. If the homeowner does pursue its appeal, the Board will hear the alleged violator’s position at its regularly scheduled meeting, the Board will then decide whether to enforce or to rescind the Specific Assessment. The hearing, discussion, and determination can be held in a closed meeting. Once the determination is made, the regular meeting will be reconvened, and the vote to accept or reject the appeal will be taken by the Board.


7. Once a Specific assessment becomes final, it shall be assessed to the Homeowner’s account and collected in accordance with Section 6.


8 of the Ashton Heights Farmington Station Covenants and Restrictions.8. If a homeowner commits the same violation within a one year period, the first specific assessment shall be set at $50.00, and thereafter, the specific assessment being $100.00 per day until the violation is rectified. All notice and appeal procedures shall be in accordance with that stated above. 


The HOA gets many complaints of violations daily. Some of these complaints are valid however, some are simply are a misunderstanding of our covenants. Some of the most commonly violated covenants are:

Parking (Covenant 4)
All homeowners are prohibited from parking overnight on an area other than their driveway or garage. This rule does not apply to guests who are allowed to park on the street overnight on a temporary basis. Sidewalk/yard parking will not be tolerated. 

Rental Properties (Covenant 2B)
Farmington Station has strict rental guidelines. Please refer to the HOA for more information regarding these guidelines. If a property meets the guidelines, it is subject to increased dues of $300 yearly. No signs are to be placed on FSHOA owned common areas!

Boats/Trailers (Covenant 4 & 15)
Boats and Trailers are prohibited from parking in the street, yard, or driveway of a home. A boat may only be kept on a property if it is shielded by an approved fence and is not visible from any other street or lot. 

Grass/Yard (Covenant 10)
Each owner is responsible for mowing and maintaining their lot to keep it clean and attractive. If the HOA finds a home that is not maintaining their lot to the standards of the neighborhood. The HOA will have their contracted landscape service maintain the property and the owner will be obliged to reimburse for the cost. No written notice is required.

All residents can view the assessment policy and the full covenants here on this site.

Covenant Violation Information

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