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Landscape Corner


Welcome to the landscape column! Please look here for tips on keeping your landscape and lawn in tip-top condition. The Landscape and Architectural Committee of the HOA provides this column for the benefit of all Farmington Station Homeowners. 


We feel that curb appeal is a crucial element in upholding the integrity of our neighborhood. This column has been developed to allow our homeowners a place to come for quick, easy, and (for the majority of the time) inexpensive tips. It also provides a form to ask any questions that you may have.


Please take advantage of these tips to increase the values of our homes and continue to make our neighborhood one of the best in our area.

  Yard of the Month


Yard of the Month was a great success in 2020, we love these pics!  Please click here for more info.



May 2020 

Yard of 

the Month


370 Austin Circle

Plant...Plant...Plant! Fall rains combined with cooler air temperatures and warm soil temperatures help new plants get established. This is the best time for planting trees, shrubs and flowering bulbs. Develop a landscape plan, or have a professional create one for you. Either way, fall is a great time of the year to start, enhance or redo your landscape, and improve the exterior appeal of your home.


June 2020 

Yard of 

the Month


308 Fairview Dr

Winter is an excellent time to prune trees and shrubs. Many plants have lost their leaves, making it easier to see the framework of the plants and decide which branches to shorten or remove toward improving the overall structure and appearance of the plant. It also injures the plants less to prune them when they are dormant.

If you have not already treated your yard with some type of Pre-emergent Herbicide, now is the time. I recommend a product called Barricade. It is actually a fertilizer coated with a yellow dust (the herbicide). It can be ordered/purchased at the local Rankin County Co-op for less than $25 per 50lb bag. One (1) bag will treat your entire yard. Be sure to spread it over your entire yard (including shrubs) and water it in for 15 minutes. The idea is to soak the chemical into the soil without water runoff. If you have any questions, remember to utilize the form below and your question will be answered via email in a timely manner. I look forward to helping each of you with your landscape needs. Good luck fellow homeowners.


July 2020 

Yard of 

the Month


451 Springhill Pt


August 2020 

Yard of 

the Month


222 Ashton Way

Proper pruning can significantly improve the appearance and strength of trees and shrubs in your landscape. However, do not prune spring-blooming plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, forsythia and crabapples, or you will cut all of the flowers for this spring's show. Prune these plants after the blooms fall off in the spring.


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